The entrance to the ancient Oracle at Delphi carried the warning, know thyself. The NAADAC code of ethics states that addiction professionals are required to continuously self-monitor in order to meet their professional obligations. A host of ethical failings—perhaps all of them—fall under the umbrella of the failure to self-examine and self-correct. This presentation covers the importance of self awareness and reviews the many ways in which failure to self-monitor has betrayed the mantra, “First Do No Harm.” Blind spots, biases, therapist ego, and related issues will be reviewed for their potential to sabotage the client-counselor relationship. Instances of client exploitation and court cases resulting from such failings will be presented.
3.00 CEUs Approved for LADC/CADC, CM/RSS, LPC/LMFT, Social Work
Meet Your Trainer:
Shirley Beckenhauer is certified as a LADC and has worked in the addictions field for 20 years, serving as counselor, educator, presenter, and administrator.